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Risk Management Policy

  • We choose proper vehicles to take you from one place to another making your travel safe and comfortable.  
  • We give you proper packing information before pursuing the trek so that your trek becomes smooth. Some of the things are vital to make your trek easier or save you from potential harms such as snowblindness.
  • We give you proper information regarding what to do and what not to do prior to the trek. Some of the information will help you bond with locals and enhance your experience. Our guides will instruct you on how to save yourselves from animal attacks, how to behave around animals so that they do not get violent and hurt you etc. 
  • We always prioritize your safety. If the weather conditions are not right or there are some potential risks. In case of any danger alert we back out from our plan and we only proceed further if things are safe and fine. 
  • We gather information from past experiences or reliable sources to predict the weather. It minimizes the risk of getting stuck in bad weather conditions
  • In case you get stuck with some emergency problems, our guides and other staff members are well trained to handle such situations. They will deal with the situation before it causes you any harm.
  • We give you suggestions on what to do and what not according to your personal situations. We check if the foods provided by tea houses are good for you prior to your breakfast, lunch, or dinner time. 
  • Our guides constantly remind you to drink water to avoid dehydration. They have profound knowledge of the culture, traditions, and lifestyle of local people. So, they help you behave properly according to the situation.
  • Our guides will also help you figure out what animals are violent and how to act when you are near them. 
  • We design itineraries carefully so that you can cope with increasing altitude. We make the plans in such a way that you get enough time to acclimatize and do not get exhausted. 
  • In case of any emergency or evacuation due to injuries, altitude sickness, etc., our team members in Kathmandu are on standby to help you 24/7.
  • We set realistic goals each day to avoid overexertion. Following the itinerary properly, you will get to enjoy trekking without getting exhausted at the end of the day.
  • Our guides are very careful about any symptoms of altitude sickness or any other injuries or illnesses. You will be taken care of properly in such situations. 
  • Our guides are trained to give basic first aid treatments. Minor injuries during the trek will be taken care of properly. 
  • Sometimes, physical drains can also demotivate you. Our guides will also give you emotional support and keep you motivated.
  • According to a recent announcement by the Nepal Tourism Board, starting April 1, 2023,tourists visiting Nepal will be required to hire a licensed guide or porter before trekking through the country’s wilderness. The move has been made to ensure the safety of tourists, as solo trekkers often face insecurities and are at risk of getting lost. This new regulation is expected to have a significant impact on Nepal’s adventure tourism industry, particularly on popular trekking routes such as Annapurna Base Camp, Ghorepani-Poon Hill, and Langtang Valley, which are frequently visited by solo hikers.
  • According to a recent announcement by the Nepal Tourism Board, starting April 1, 2023, tourists visiting Nepal will be required to hire a licensed guide or porter before trekking through the country’s wilderness. The move has been made to ensure the safety of tourists, as solo trekkers often face insecurities and are at risk of getting lost. This new regulation is expected to have a significant impact on Nepal’s adventure tourism industry, particularly on popular trekking routes such as Annapurna Base Camp, Ghorepani-Poon Hill, and Langtang Valley, which are frequently visited by solo trekkers.

Safety Measures

We Care Your Health and Safety

Trekking is an adventure that comes with certain risks. Despite some inhabitable risks, your safety is the first priority while travelling with Summit Treks & Adventure. Even though we cannot eliminate all the risks during the trek, we will manage the trek efficiently and follow safety measures as much as possible. We try to make your trip as safe as possible. Here are some of the potential risks or hazards that may appear during the treks and our take to cope with them.

Potential Risks/Hazards

1. Altitude Sickness Acute Mountain Sickness

Trekking at high altitudes always possesses the risk of altitude sickness. Mild cases of headache, difficulty breathing, and nausea are normal. But, taking careless steps can make it severe. Not knowing exactly what to do can cause physical harm and even death.


Avoid Flying Directly to Areas of High Altitude: Flying directly to areas of high altitude can increase the risk of altitude sickness because the body does not get enough time to acclimatize gradually. When travelers rapidly ascend to high-altitude destinations, such as flying directly to cities or locations at high elevations, their bodies may struggle to adjust to the reduced oxygen levels, leading to altitude sickness.
Avoid Climbing More Than 300m to 500m a Day: Rapid ascents and gaining substantial elevation in a short period can put a tremendous strain on the body, increasing the likelihood of altitude sickness. It is recommended to limit the daily altitude gain to a moderate level to allow for better acclimatization.
Drink Lots of Water: Staying hydrated is of utmost importance during high-altitude trekking. At higher elevations, the air is typically drier, and the body tends to lose more water through increased respiration and sweating. Dehydration can exacerbate the effects of altitude sickness and lead to various health issues.
Reduce your exercise: At higher altitudes, the reduced oxygen levels can put additional strain on the body during physical exertion. Reducing exercise and avoiding strenuous activities can help prevent overexertion and conserve energy, allowing the body to acclimatize more effectively. Light activities and gradual ascent are encouraged instead of pushing the body too hard.
Get enough sleep: Adequate rest is crucial for the body to acclimatize to higher altitudes. Quality sleep helps with the process of acclimatization and aids in the body’s recovery from the physical demands of trekking. It is recommended to ensure a comfortable sleeping environment, use appropriate sleeping gear, and maintain a consistent sleep schedule during the trek.
Increase Your Potassium Levels: Adequate potassium intake can be beneficial in preventing altitude sickness. Potassium-rich foods like bananas, potatoes, leafy greens, and dried fruits can help maintain the body’s electrolyte balance, reducing the risk of muscle cramps and fatigue commonly associated with altitude trekking. Including these foods in the diet can support overall well-being during the trek.
Protect yourself from the Sun: At higher altitudes, the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation is stronger due to thinner air and reduced atmospheric filtering. This increases the risk of sunburn and other sun-related issues. Trekking companies should advise trekkers to use sunscreen with high SPF, wear UV-protective clothing (such as wide-brimmed hats, long-sleeved shirts, and sunglasses), and apply lip balm with UV protection. Sun protection not only prevents sunburn but also helps in avoiding dehydration and heat-related illnesses.

The main treatment for altitude sickness is to move to a lower elevation as quickly and safely as possible. At the very least, do not go higher. If symptoms are mild, staying at your current elevation for a few days might be enough to improve the symptoms.

Action taken by Summit Treks & Adventure:

Provide Information: Prior to the trek, we will educate trekkers about altitude sickness, its symptoms, and preventive measures. This can help trekkers recognize symptoms early and take appropriate actions.
Training for Guides: Our trekking guides are well-trained in altitude sickness management and first aid. They know how to respond to different situations and provide necessary support to affected trekkers.
Every evening, provide Garlic Soup above 2500 meters: Garlic is believed to have properties that may assist in acclimatization to high altitudes. Garlic is thought to promote blood circulation and potentially help alleviate altitude sickness symptoms, though its effectiveness varies from person to person.
Recognize Symptoms: During the trek, our trekking guides will try to identify the early signs of altitude sickness, such as headaches, dizziness, nausea, and fatigue.
Prompt Action: If a trekker displays mild symptoms, we will take immediate action to prevent the condition from worsening. This may involve advising the trekker to rest, stay hydrated, and descend to a lower altitude if necessary.
Descend to Lower Altitude: In case of more severe symptoms, we will prioritize the safety of the affected trekker and arrange for a prompt descent to a lower elevation where medical attention can be sought if required.
Emergency Evacuation: If a trekker’s condition worsens rapidly, we will evacuation as quickly to get the person to a medical facility.

2. Injuries Due to Animal

Yaks are huge animals found in the Himalayan region used for transporting goods. Yaks may attack someone who gets in their way or if someone teases them. These animals may push you with their horn and cause you to fall and injure yourself. Along the way, you may encounter several other animals like dogs and sheep. Not knowing how to deal with them may put you in a risky situation.
These treks also possess the risk of mosquito bites and leeches. Leeches attach to your body parts and draw blood until it’s full. Though they are not dangerous, they may cause you to panic.


Keep a Safe Distance: When encountering yaks or other potentially aggressive animals during treks, it’s essential to maintain a safe distance. Avoid provoking or teasing the animals, as this can trigger defensive or aggressive behavior.
Stay Calm and Non-Threatening: If you find yourself in the vicinity of a yak or another animal that seems agitated, remain calm and avoid sudden movements. Stand still and slowly back away, giving the animal enough space to pass without feeling threatened.
Avoid Eye Contact: In the animal kingdom, direct eye contact can be interpreted as a challenge or threat. To reduce the risk of triggering an aggressive response, avoid staring directly into the eyes of animals.
Carry Protective Gear: Consider carrying trekking poles or a sturdy walking stick. These tools can help create a barrier between you and animals if necessary, and they can also be used to deter aggressive animals from approaching.
Use Mosquito Repellent: To prevent mosquito bites and the potential transmission of mosquito-borne diseases, use mosquito repellent on exposed skin and wear long-sleeved clothing and pants in mosquito-prone areas.
Wear Appropriate Clothing: When trekking through areas with leeches, consider wearing leech-resistant socks and clothing that covers your legs and ankles. This can significantly reduce the chances of leeches attaching to your body.
Regularly Inspect for Leeches: During breaks or at the end of each day, take the time to inspect your body for leeches. If you find any, carefully remove them without panicking. Using salt or heat to detach leeches is not recommended, as it may cause them to regurgitate into the wound.
Stay Hydrated and Energized: Fatigue and dehydration can impair your judgment and reflexes, making you more susceptible to accidents with animals. Stay hydrated, eat regularly, and pace yourself during the trek to minimize the risk of making careless mistakes.
Emergency Communication: Ensure that you have a means of communication in case of an emergency. Carry a mobile phone, satellite phone, or any other device that allows you to contact help if needed.

Action taken by Summit Treks & Adventure:

Immediate First Aid: If a trekker is injured by a yak or any other animal, our trekking guides will provide immediate first aid to the injured person. We will assess the extent of the injuries and provide necessary medical attention on the spot.
Evacuation and Medical Assistance: If the injuries are severe and require medical attention beyond what can be provided on the trek, we will arrange for immediate transportation to the nearest medical facility or hospital for further treatment.
Notify Relevant Authorities: Depending on the severity of the accident, we may need to notify relevant authorities about the incident involving aggressive yaks or other animals.
Communicate with Other Trekkers: Depending on the circumstances of the accident, we will communicate with other trekkers to keep them informed about the situation and any changes to the itinerary or safety precautions.
Remember that when trekking in remote and wild areas, respecting the wildlife and being aware of potential risks is crucial for both your safety and the wellbeing of the animals.

3. Injuries due to slippery trails

The trails in the Everest and Annapurna region & many part of Nepal are usually safe but in rainy seasons, the trails can get slippery due to rainfall. During winter, when the trail is covered in snow, there can be a risk of falling in injuring yourself.


Wear Proper Footwear: Choose appropriate trekking shoes or boots with good traction and non-slip soles. This will provide better grip on slippery surfaces, whether it’s wet mud or icy snow.
Pay Attention to Weather Forecasts: Before embarking on a trek, check the weather forecasts for the region. Avoid trekking during heavy rainfall or snowfall, as the trails are more likely to become extremely slippery and dangerous.
Slow and Steady: Take your time while trekking on slippery trails. Slow and steady steps can help you maintain balance and reduce the risk of slipping.
Choose Well-Maintained Trails: Stick to well-marked and well-maintained trails as much as possible. These paths are more likely to have steps, railings, or other safety features to prevent accidents.
Be Mindful of Footing: Keep an eye on where you are stepping. Look for areas with better grip and avoid walking on wet rocks or mossy surfaces, which can be particularly slippery.
Avoid Crossing Wet Streams: During or after rain, streams and water crossings can become more hazardous due to slippery rocks and increased water flow. Whenever possible, avoid crossing wet streams and look for safer alternatives.
Trek in a Group: Trekking with a group can offer additional support and help in case of an accident. If someone slips or falls, having others around can assist in providing immediate aid.
Carry a First Aid Kit: Always have a well-equipped first aid kit with you. In case of minor injuries, prompt treatment can prevent complications and make the trekking experience safer.

Action taken by Summit Treks & Adventure:

Pre-trek Briefing: Before the trek begins, we will conduct a comprehensive pre-trek briefing for all trekkers. This briefing will include information about the potential risks associated with slippery trails during rainy seasons or snow-covered trails in winter. Trekkers would be made aware of the importance of caution while trekking under such conditions.
Regular Trail Assessments: We will conduct regular trail assessments to monitor the conditions of the trails during different seasons. This includes assessing the impact of rainfall or snow on the trail’s safety and identifying any potential hazards.
Adapting Itinerary: In case of adverse weather conditions making the trails unsafe, we may need to modify the trek itinerary. This could involve altering the route, changing the trek duration, or making necessary adjustments to avoid risky sections.
Safety Cautions During the Trek: Throughout the trek, our trekking guides will consistently remind trekkers to exercise caution while walking on slippery or snow-covered sections. They will advise trekkers to take shorter and more controlled steps, avoid rushing, and use support from trekking poles.
Emergency Response: We will provide immediate first aid, communication with nearby medical facilities, and arranging for medical evacuation if required.

4. Food Poisoning, Dehydration, and Diarrhoea

While trekking, food poisoning is one of the major risks to consider. It might be a minor problem but can escalate quickly. Normally food poisoning happens when you eat something unhygienic or food that you are not used to. It also happens when one cannot maintain personal hygiene during the trek. The contaminants in water are also equally responsible for food poisoning.

Dehydration is also a problem while trekking. The weather is usually cold in the Everest region, so one might feel like not drinking water. So usually, people forget to drink water, but our body needs more water at high altitudes than in the lower region.

Diarrhoea is a common gastrointestinal issue that can affect trekkers, especially when they are exposed to unfamiliar foods, unhygienic eating conditions, or contaminated water sources. It can lead to dehydration, which is a significant concern, particularly at high altitudes where the cold weather may deceive trekkers into thinking they don’t need as much water as they do.


Water Purification: We will advise trekkers to use water purification methods such as boiling, using water purification tablets, or using portable water filters to ensure that the water they consume is safe and free from contaminants.
Hygienic Food Practices: We ensures that the food provided to trekkers is prepared and served hygienically. We choose reputable teahouses or camps that follow proper food safety standards.
Safe Food Choices: We will guide trekkers on selecting safe and familiar food options, avoiding raw or undercooked items that may be risky. They may recommend eating hot, well-cooked meals and fruits that can be peeled.
Hand Hygiene: Emphasizing the importance of handwashing before meals and after using the restroom helps prevent the spread of bacteria that can cause food poisoning and diarrhoea.
Acclimatization and Hydration: We design trek itineraries that allow for proper acclimatization to high altitudes. They encourage trekkers to drink plenty of water throughout the trek to avoid dehydration.
Providing Safe Drinking Water: During treks, depending upon availability, we may provide safe and purified drinking water to trekkers to minimize the risk of consuming contaminated water.
First Aid Kit: We will carry a well-equipped first aid kit to address minor health issues, including diarrhoea and dehydration, during the trek.
Awareness and Education: We will educate trekkers about the risks of food poisoning, dehydration, and diarrhoea, providing them with guidelines on how to prevent and manage these issues.

Action taken by Summit Treks & Adventure:

Immediate Medical Attention: If a trekker experiences severe diarrhoea or dehydration, our guides or staff will provide immediate medical attention and administer first aid if needed.
Hydration and Rest: The trekker will be encouraged to rest and hydrate to recover from dehydration. In severe cases, evacuation to a lower altitude or medical facility might be necessary.
Monitoring: Our guides will closely monitor the affected trekker’s condition to ensure their well-being and take appropriate actions if the situation worsens.
Contingency Plans: We will evacuate the trekker safely to a medical facility if required.
Communication: We will maintain communication with office to keep them informed about the trekker’s condition and coordinate any necessary assistance.

5. If Someone Dies During a Trek

We understand that discussing such situations can be sensitive, but it’s essential to be prepared for any eventuality during trekking trips. If someone passes away during a trek, Summit Treks & Adventure will take the following steps:

Action taken by Summit Treks & Adventure:

Immediate Response and Assistance: If a trekker passes away during the trip, our first priority is to provide immediate assistance and support to the deceased trekker’s companions. This includes offering emotional support, ensuring their safety, and addressing any immediate medical needs.
Contact Emergency Services: We will immediately contact emergency services, local authorities, or rescue teams in the area. The appropriate authorities will be notified about the situation.
Preserve the Scene: We will preserve the scene of the incident and not disturb any evidence until the authorities arrive. This may include securing personal belongings and documenting the circumstances surrounding the event for official investigation.
Coordinate with Local Authorities: We will fully cooperate with local authorities, police, or other relevant agencies to handle the situation appropriately and ensure that all legal requirements are met.
Notify Next of Kin: We will notify the next of kin or emergency contacts of the deceased trekker. This task requires sensitivity and care.
Evacuation and Repatriation: Depending on the circumstances and the trekker’s nationality, we will assist with arrangements for the repatriation of the deceased trekker’s remains to their home country. This will involve the coordinating with consulates or embassies.
Support for Fellow Trekkers: We will continued support to the remaining trekkers who may be affected emotionally by the loss. This can include counseling services or arranging for transportation back to the starting point or nearest settlement if necessary.
Documentation and Reporting: We will document the incident thoroughly for legal and insurance purposes. Accurate records and reports are essential in such situations.